uedbet官网ISD & Michigan's Freedom of Information Act
As a public institution in the state of Michigan, uedbet官网ISD is subject to provisions of the state's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). 根据《ued西甲赫塔菲官网》, “所有人, except those persons incarcerated in state or local correctional facilities, 是否有权获得有关ued西甲赫塔菲官网事务和代表他们的公职人员和公务员的官方行为的充分和完整的信息....”因此, any individual other than a federal, 州或县的囚犯有权查看和/或收到由本区保存的公共记录的副本.
The FOIA defines a public record as a "writing prepared, 拥有, 使用, 拥有, or retained by a public body in the performance of an official function, 从它被创造的那一刻起."
The law defines a "writing" as "handwriting, 打字, 印刷, 复印照片, 拍摄, 复印, and every other means of recording, 包括信件, 单词, 图片, 听起来, 或符号, 或者它们的组合, 和论文, 地图, 磁带或纸带, 摄影胶片或印刷品, 缩微胶片, 缩微平片, 磁卡或打孔卡, 光盘, 鼓, or other means of recording or retaining meaningful content.“根据《ued西甲赫塔菲官网》,电子邮件信息如果涉及ued西甲赫塔菲官网公务,就被视为公共记录. 根据《ued西甲赫塔菲官网》要求提供信息的个人通信也被视为公共记录. 然而,该法律明确将计算机软件排除在公共记录的定义之外.
Please note that the District is not required to make a compilation, summary or report of information, or to create a new public record.
How to file a FOIA request with the District
车间副主任, 克里斯玻璃, is the Freedom of Information Coordinator at uedbet官网ISD, and his office is responsible for handling FOIA requests. 书面的《ued西甲赫塔菲官网》申请应送交助理警司克里斯·格拉斯, Kent Intermediate School District, 纳普街2930号. 东北,大急流城,密歇根州,49525. 申请也可以传真到办公室(616)364-1488或发电子邮件到FOIA@my067.com.
The District has prepared a FOIA request form, available for download via the link above. This form can be filled out on your computer or printed and completed by hand. If that form is not 使用, the following is recommended when making a request:
- 请尽可能详细地说明您希望检查和/或接收副本的记录. 例如, 如果适用的话, 请注明所涉及的时间和文件可能所在的部门, 如果你知道的话.
- Please include your mailing address and daytime phone number, as well as an e-mail address and fax number, 如果适用的话.
法律承认, 在某些情况下, the public interest may be better served by not disclosing information. FOIA therefore makes certain public records exempt from disclosure, 出于各种原因,从隐私问题到机密的研究相关信息. 一项仅适用于学校的豁免规定禁止uedbet官网公立学校披露受联邦《ued西甲赫塔菲官网》(FERPA)保护的学生记录。.
uedbet官网理工学院, the decision whether material should be withheld is made by the FOIA Coordinator, 如有必要,在与其他相关部门协商后,包括人力资源和法律服务办公室. 《ued西甲赫塔菲官网》协调员在主管的授权下有权拒绝《ued西甲赫塔菲官网》的请求.
How much time does the District have to respond?
The District has five (5) business days after receiving a written request to respond, 但《ued西甲赫塔菲官网》协调员可将回应期再延长至多十(10)个工作日. 答复期的第1天被视为收到书面请求后的下一个工作日. Email is considered "received" one business day after it was sent. If, 然而, the request is electronically transmitted and delivered to a spam or junk mail folder, 该请求将在学区得知后一(1)天视为收到. Sometimes requests involve voluminous documents spread over several departments. 在这些情况下,完全遵守请求可能需要超过十五(15)个工作日.
The FOIA Coordinator can either grant a request; deny it in full or in part, citing one or more exemptions; or certify that the requested document(s) doesn't exist.
The District may charge a fee for the search, 审查, separation of exempt from non-exempt information, copying and mailing of documents. 在收到请求后, 如果需要评估费用, 请求人将会得到一份详细的费用清单,其中将列出并解释构成总费用的允许收费,地区将会询问他/她是否要继续办理. In calculating the cost of labor incurred, the District can charge the hourly wage, 加上附加福利费用, of the lowest paid employee capable of performing the task. The labor costs are estimated and charged in increments of fifteen (15) minutes, with all partial increments rounded down. 如果本地区没有雇用能够决定应发布哪些信息的人, the district may contract the work to an outside person or organization. 在这种情况下, 申请方将在详细的费用清单上被告知签约人员/公司的名称. 合同服务的成本不能超过最低工资的6倍,目前最低工资为48美元.每小时90.
此外,申请人可能会被收取任何非纸质物理介质的实际费用(例如.g.、电脑磁盘、磁带等.)或书面申请. The maximum charge per piece of letter/legal sized paper is .10 (10 cents), as well as the actual cost of mailing the request.
If the information that is requested is available online, the District will notify the requester of such, including the specific webpage location where the information can be found. Online availability will be noted separately on the fee summary. If the requester still requests paper copies, 他/她可能会被收取额外费用,并将在分项费用摘要中通知金额.
Upon determination and disclosure of the fee, if the estimate exceeds $50.00, 根据《ued西甲赫塔菲官网》,该区在开始查找文件之前,可要求提供高达估计金额一半的诚信保证金.
第一个20美元.领取福利金或出示事实证明因经济拮据而无能力支付的人,必须减免其中的1000元. 即使在这种情况下, 然而, 如果该人在日历年内已两次从地区收到折扣副本,或该请求是代表提供付款的外部人士提出,地区仍可收取费用. 第一个20美元.由国家指定开展与残疾人有关的某些活动的非营利组织,也可免收100万美元的费用.
Can I inspect a public record in person?
是的, 学区将提供“合理的机会来检查和检查其公共记录”, 并应提供合理便利,以便在正常营业时间内从其公共记录中制作备忘录或摘要”(a . 8).m.-4 p.m. 在工作日). 然而, 特区可以制定合理的规则来保护其记录,并防止对其履行职能的过度和不合理的干扰. 请注意,在某些情况下,原始文件包含豁免信息, the exempt material may be removed and copies made for inspection.
也, 请注意,在申请人查阅原始记录之前,仍可能会收取检索和审查原始记录的费用.
如果学区未能在上述时间内对恰当提交并可识别的《ued西甲赫塔菲官网》请求作出回应, 每延迟一天,制作文件的人工成本必须减少5%, 最高可达总费用的50%.
如申请人认为制作公开纪录的估计费用超过容许的数额, the requester may appeal to the Board. If the Board fails to timely respond or denies that appeal, 申请人可在45天内向州法院提起诉讼,要求减免费用.
如果请求被拒绝, 全部地或部分地, then within 180 days of the District's denial, 申请人可以向委员会提交书面上诉,也可以向州法院提起诉讼. The Board typically has 10 business days after receipt of an appeal to respond, 但在特殊情况下, the Board may take an additional 10 business days. Failure to respond is considered a final determination to deny a request. If the requester chooses to appeal to the Board, and the Board either denies or fails to timely respond to the appeal, the requester still can file a lawsuit in state court. The District cannot destroy a document once it has been requested. If the FOIA Officer denies the request, 从拒签信发出之日起,该文件必须保留至少180天.